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Steel Charitable Trust

Objectives of Fund

The funding is intended for projects across two funding streams:

  • LUTON MATTERS Programme - Not currently accepting applications.
  • UK Under 26 Fund - This fund aims to improve outcomes for children and young people in the UK (regardless of their nationality, culture or ethnic origin) who are wholly or mainly under 26 years of age.

Value Notes

The minimum grant size is £10,000.

Most one-off grants will fall in the range of between £10,000 and £25,000.

Match Funding Restrictions

Match funding is not a specified requirement.

Who Can Apply

To apply for the UK Under 26 Fund, groups must:

  • Be a UK-registered charity or exempt charity as defined in the Charities Act 2011 or its equivalents in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
  • Be seeking funding for work that will be delivered in any part of the UK, except Luton.
  • Have a minimum income of £50,000 in the previous financial year.
  • Be able to produce at least one full year of accounts, that confirms the required income threshold.

Unless specifically invited to do so, groups may only make one application within any 18 months (on the month of application), whether successful or not.


United Kingdom


Funding is not available for the following:

  • Individuals.
  • Political parties.
  • Recently registered charities.
  • Work where religious practice, worship, or proselytising is overt or the main objective.
  • Work that is overtly connected to political parties.
  • Work that will take place overseas.

Eligible Expenditure

Through the UK Under 26 Fund, funding is available for a variety of projects and activities that support children and young people under the age of 26, with an emphasis on creating education and/or access opportunities for young people in circumstances, groups, or locations that face economic challenges or social marginalisation that may lead to significant disadvantages in later life.

All grants awarded will be for restricted funding. However, this does not preclude specifically stated running or capital costs, such as contributions to a salary for a stated role, detailed IT upgrades, or a building renovation. New project costs or contributions towards ongoing projects are also permitted.

How To Apply

Applications for the UK Under 26 Fund are taken and reviewed on a rolling basis. The trustees meet quarterly to discuss applications:

  • Applications received between 16 October and 15 January will be reviewed in mid-March for a decision by the end of March.
  • Applications received between 16 January and 15 April will be reviewed in mid-June for a decision by the end of June.
  • Applications received between 16 April and 15 July will be reviewed in mid-September for a decision by the end of September.
  • Applications received between 16 July and 15 October will be reviewed in mid-December for a decision by the end of December.

Applications must be made using the Trust's online application form.

Contact the Steel Charitable Trust for further information.


£10,000 - £25,000
no deadline
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