Faiths Forum for London

Organisation Member

About Organisation

The Faiths Forum for London (FFL) was founded in 2012 in Camden with the objective of promoting mutual understanding, collaboration and good relations between faith communities and wider society. Its primary objective is to build bridges between different religions and cultures, promote social cohesion, and foster mutual respect and understanding among people of all faiths. The organisation provides various services and activities, including interfaith events, community outreach, and faith-based training and education programmes.

It also engages in advocacy and policy work, promoting the role of faith communities in addressing social issues and promoting community cohesion. The organisation is governed by a Council of 29 faith leaders from nine faith traditions, who meet regularly to discuss issues facing London and the religious groups within it. During meetings organised, leaders from public authorities, NGOs and the media are invited to engage and share ideas on how to tackle such issues. FFL proactively seeks opportunities to work cohesively with such groups to further shared goals and to upskill all the faith communities in areas important to them.

Overall, the Faiths Forum for London plays a critical role in promoting interfaith dialogue and cooperation, bringing people from different faith communities together, and promoting social cohesion and community harmony in London. Its work is crucial in building a more inclusive, tolerant, and respectful society, and its activities and services provide valuable resources and support to faith communities and the wider public alike.

Contact Details

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