Survivors can shine

← Back | Last updated on 30 May 2022

About Organisation

1 in 4 children suffer abuse. Abuse causes Adverse Childhood Experiences(ACEs). ACEs has a significant impact on both mental and physical health increasing the risk of violence, chronic health problems, mental ill health and substance abuse. It more than doubles the risk of having no educational qualifications and a greater risk of unemployment, limiting life opportunities and positive outcomes for young people.

Survivors Can Shine (SCS) is a Camden based organisation, working to equip children and young people with the tools, knowledge and strategies they need to keep themselves safe, build resilience and create solid foundations to thrive.

We raise awareness and facilitate dialogue about the realities and prevalence of abuse, providing a platform to engage and empower young people through creative and performing arts such as, spoken word, poetry, rap and lyric writing. By listening and responding to the wants and needs of young people, we keep their voices at the forefront of everything we do.

There is extensive evidence that early intervention and provision of supportive structures can mitigate the impact of adverse childhood experiences with the positive consequence of improving social, emotional and educational attainment, building psychosocial resilience. SCS provides a platform for early intervention and prevention, focusing on children at risk both inside the home and from wider contextual risks. We aim for children to thrive by gaining confidence in their own coping capacities while promoting hope and the understanding that their voices matter and they will be heard.

In 2017 founder Rosa de Guero and her younger brother endured a lengthy investigation and court case involving their childhood abuse by their primary care giver. Their perpetrator was acquitted of all charges. Rosa was silenced as a child and again as an adult trying to give that child a voice.

Rosa was determined to create positive change from her lived experiences. Through her work with young people, a need was recognised for open conversation and opportunities for their voices to be heard. When given a platform to speak out, share thoughts or ask questions, young people gained confidence and through supportive responses, realised they were not alone. Rosa established Survivors Can Shine in 2019 to ensure that no child is left without a voice.

Survivors can shine

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