Take Back The Power - photo

Take Back The Power
The Winch

0 - 25 Free


The Winch
Old Winchester Arms 21 Winchester Rd
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Project availability

from 1 September 2019 to 1 September 2024


Take Back the Power is a Participatory Action Research project, as well as an employability programme for 15-18 year olds who are preparing for life beyond school and who are passionate about social change. The programme was co-designed with four young people, over the past year, who felt passionate about challenging injustice, but didn’t feel like they had the opportunity to, between the pressures of achieving at school and having to work at the same time. Take Back the Power employs these young people to undertake a research project about a topic on which they are experts, which they feel is either misrepresented or underrepresented in the mainstream. By learning traditional and creative research methods they will deepen their understanding of their own experiences and then decide what can be done about it and how to create positive change.


The Winch

Old Winchester Arms 21 Winchester Rd,



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